I was born in 1947 in Kalispell, Montana. I was raised in a fairly small "non-denominational" denomination that sprang from the Wesleyen Holiness tradition. My home church was a smaller church, rarely exceeding an average attendance of 100 or so.
My parents were among the most Godly, dedicated, faithful folks I may have ever encountered. My Mother and Dad were both raised by Godly parents in the same tradition, but apparently had drifted away from such in early adulthood. After they were married, Mom first, and at some point not too long after, Dad, got "saved" or converted to Christianity about the time I was born, so I was raised in the church all my life. Once converted my parents were rock solid. We went to church EVERY Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night, and typically took whatever neighbors could be persuaded and/or coerced into coming along with us.
At every service or if there were revivals or other special meetings, our family was there to shake folks in, there while they took the offering and shook folks down, there when the preacher shook folks up, and still there to shake folks out. One night I fell asleep in a pew (I'm sure that part happened often) and was left there by my parents as they took a full car of folks home. At some point prior to my waking up they apparently discovered their only son missing and returned to get me. (I suspect that the return to get me met with some disapproval by my two older sisters!☺)
Although I was thoroughly exposed to at least that brand of Christianity, and although I did from time to time repent and confess and cry out to God on occasion, for the most part I pretty much neglected any daily expression of real faith, and my "religion" was largely a hope for a "get out of hell free" card.
After high school I attended our church's college for five years, picking up majors in English Literature and Physical Education and a minor in Sociology. Right after my first Senior year in college I encountered God in a fresh new fashion on my own as a semi adult. That is when I believe I was really "saved," or "born again," or "converted," or "believed on the Lord Jesus Christ," or whatever terminology best describes that sort of occurrence. In any event, during that encounter I asked God to give me a desire for His Word, believing there can be no real Christianity without a knowledge and understanding of the Bible. God granted that request, and immediately I had a hunger for the Bible that with few lapses has maintained to this day.
The following year, after having graduated college, I was called into the Gospel ministry. It was an experience such as I have never had before or since as for several hours it literally seemed Jesus was in the seat next to me as I drove my little Corolla from Northern California through the dark of night to Portland. I felt like I could let go of the wheel and Jesus would take it. I was still so green that I didn't know I was green, but there has never been a doubt that God called me to preach. He does have a sense of humor! ☺
A few years later I returned to another of our church's Bible Schools, this time to specifically prepare for ministry. Rena and I served our first congregation in Kearney, Nebraska, for twelve wonderful years, having three of our four children there, beginning a Christian School, and growing a good deal.
We had opportunity to return to Montana to plant a new church in the area where Rena's parents still live, and where my parents said they would return to if we did. Wanting our kids to be around family, and feeling free to do so, we moved our family to Whitefish, Montana, where we planted a new church and served that congregation for 23 years.
I just knew that Mom would be excited about the prospect of you blogging, Dad, so that she can get her fill of cyber-debate when the house is too quiet.