Having been called by God into the Gospel ministry, I have been pondering planting a new church. Many whom I know and love and trust have counseled and encouraged me to do so, and many have expressed that if such a venture were undertaken, they would participate.
In contemplating a direction from the Lord, I am beginning this blog as a place to ponder the issues of life, mine specifically and those who opt to participate as we seek faith together. If in His Providence God opens the way to plant a congregation of faith, I will rejoice in that. If not, we will rejoice in His direction.
You remember the old cheer from high school, "We love our team." First it looks like "WE love our team," then "We LOVE our team," then "We love OUR team," then, "We love our TEAM," and finally a loud emphasis on each word, "WE LOVE OUR TEAM." With the emphasis on each word, a slightly different message is conveyed.
Thus with the blog name "a church questions."
"a church questions" indicates that we are each simply a part of the whole. There is no claim to be the whole church, or THE church, but simply a part of the larger body of Christ, one part among many.
"A church questions" can be an identifier of a particular part of the body.
"A church questions" identifies all the people who trust in Jesus. God's church is made up of His people, His sheep, His own possession. The church is God's people on pilgrimage. We become God's people by simple faith, but we come into this relationship with every level of knowledge, commitment, gifts, abilities, social and academic skills.
"A church questions" refers to the concept that it is OK for individuals or the church to question. In many "denominational" settings, questions are not permitted. "This is the way we believe," seems to be the mantra, and questioning is seen as somehow a lack of faith. I believe there must be questions to be real.
The Apostle Paul said, "For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known." 1 Corinthians 13:12 NKJ
It seems that the older I get the less I know, or perhaps the more I learn, the more I realize I don't know. Since this is true, one major way to "learn" is to "question." Questions seek answers.
There are several types of questions. One kind cries out from simple ignorance. This kind is eaisly fixed by proper information. Bible knowlede can satisfy many of the questions from an honest heart.
Pastor Larry,
ReplyDeleteI know I've said this before, we can't wait to see what God has planned for you and I am praying that the pondering turns into reality. We will be there to support you. In Christ's Love, Holly O'Dell
Hi Larry, I admire your wit and wisdom. You have always been the person I look to when I need advise, and you have pulled me through the darkest times in my life, and set me on the best times. Thanks for baptizing me, marrying me (to Carrie!), and all the other stuff. I like your comments on hell. Kind of a tough subject...But you are no wuss! Thanks for the blog. Good job. I will read it some more. Glen